Monday, August 5, 2013



Sociology is defined as branch of science which deals with human beings living in certain areas. The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human is also defined as analysis of a social institution or societal segment as a self-contained entity or in relation to society as a whole. some important definitions of sociology can be highlighted below:-

  • the study of the development, organization, functioning, and classification of human societies.
  • the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc.
  • The scientific study of human social behavior and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions.
  •  the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society.
  •  the science of fundamental laws of social behavior, relations

society consist of may kinds of individual, culture, traditions, ethics, norms, values, lifestyles,etc these things vary from place to  place which distinguishes one from another. sociology deals with the study of all those things, it helps to maintain a friendly environment in society. society is the combinations of various kind of family. the study of sociology is regarded as one of the basic study in bachelor level courses.Thus, sociology can develop the society by dealing with individuals in the society, it can bring changes in many fields.



Usually bridal makeup is heavy as the girls want to look special, but Hollywood beauty and makeup expert Puja Taluja believes less is more and says keep it minimal. “It’s a good idea for a bride to start taking care of her skin and hair couple of months before the wedding day. With glowing skin, the job gets much easier for a makeup artists to achieve flawless base” Taluja says.
The makeup starts with primer to smoothen out the skin, after that comes foundation. “Get the base right.most of us wants to look fairer than what we already are which a very bad idea is as you end up looking made up. Even the pictures come out very badly. So make sure that the base is applied and blended very well and matches skin tone,” she said.

Many brides go for glitter on their eyes along along with heavy makeup. It’s a complete no-no Taluja’s makeup dictionary. While doing lip makeup, apply liner before lipstick, but make sure the lip line doesn’t look different from the lipstick. Avoid using lip gloss as it ends up bleeding and smudging the lipstick. “Once the makeup is done spray makeups fix on the face to make I stay longer and fresh” says Taluja.



Stress is the worry experienced by an individual in certain circumstances. Stress is also known as biochemical imbalance in human’s mind which creates motivation for good or bad works. It can negatively affect mental and physical health. So we should learn to avoid stress in our life. There are some ideas to manage stress better for an improved mental state.
  • ·         Everything during a day can add to a bunch of stress, so we should plan ahead to save time and stress.
  • ·         By saying affirmation over and over when we feel stressed and anxious.
  • ·         Being active and exercising is usually a great way to relax and beat stress.
  • ·         To alleviate the stress of a particularly troubling day, try doing something nice for someone. Present your partner with a bouquet of flowers or special treat for child.
  • ·         Understanding the things that are most important to our life can turn managing stress into an easier task.
  • ·         Drinking some juice or eating food that is citrus based to stay calm. We can even take vitamin c to increase our immunity power.
  • ·         Smiling more is the best way to get rid of stress. While smiling the musles used trigger our limbic system.


Corporate life is always exciting. Most people believe that corporate work rewards are very meaningful to their personal and professional progress. Sometimes when the reward is either delayed or missed, it causes great grief and anxiety. Firstly, all these feelings are absolutely good. As one of the mentor said’’ it is alright to be angry. It is bitterness that is bad.” These feelings are natural and they reflect the passion you show at work and what personal progress means to you. It also means that you need to constantly recalibrate the expectation regarding what needs to be done as you go forward.
It is important, therefore, that one does the right things to set up for a much better reward. There are ample ways of rewarding yourself by doing exceptional and rewarding work. There are six areas which will help to do rewarding work to help you to get rewarded.
1.      Spot and grab opportunities.
2.      Team is more important than individual.
3.      Display even stronger commitment during adverse times.
4.      Be an idea person.
5.      Raise positive aspects of the company.
6.      Share learnings.


Presenting an unlimited spectrum of colors Asian Paints has become a households name in as many as 65 countries around the globe. The brand has significant presence in most international markets and stands as a market leader in many, including Nepal and India.
Today, it is double the size of any other paint company in India. An Asian paint manufactures a wide range of paints for decorative and industrial use. Winning the trust of generations, Asian Paint India has already celebrated its golden jubilee a few decades ago while its collaborative company-Asian Paints Nepal(APN) also celebrated its silver jubilee a couple of years ago.
Asian Paints was the title sponsor of Nepal’s biggest branding event. Asian Paints is India’s largest paint company based in Mumbai and its collaborative companies operate in 17 countries and have 23 paints manufacturing facilities in the world. Besides Asian paints, the group operates around the world through it subsidiaries: Berger International, Apco coatings,SCIB paints and Taubmans.
Having s loyal customer base, the brand enjoys 44 percent market share in Nepal.



Having a bad hair day or running out of time? Tying up your locks in the ponytail is the best answers as one hair style that can be handled with ease. Thanks to it versatility, it can be worn to work or even for party.
Najeeb Ur Rehman,PPS manager, schwarzkorpf Proffesional India, says ponytails can be easily worn with casuals, formals, stylish and sporty attire and it can easily transform a woman from a day-look to an evening. It is a hairstyle that can be done quickly and easily , but those with round face tend to shy away from it as it makes the roundness more prominent. This problem has a solution says Rehman. People with round faces can opt for tying the ponytails high up around the crown, as this helps to cut out the roundness of the cheeks. One can also frisk out some hair along the hairline to soften the sides and create an elongated looks. To add drama he suggested to include braids are twists or a high bouffant. We can even use accessories like hair bands, strings, side pins, head bands and anything with bling. Ponytails created for a fuller look will need a volume mousse or cream to add body and fullness to the hair.
We should always remember that all products need to be used within a limit as any excess amount of product can overburdened weigh down your hair, making it flat and limo or sticky and hard

Sunday, August 4, 2013


NATURAL RESOURCES Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world. "Nature" refers to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic.
The word nature is derived from the latin word natura, or "essential qualities, innate disposition", and in ancient times, literally meant "birth".The concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is one of several expansions of the original notion; it began with certain core applications  by pre-socratic philosophers, and has steadily gained currency ever since. This usage was confirmed during the advent of modern scientific nature in the last several centuries.

natural resources are the most essential elements for living our life in systematic order. It is required to all for revery aspects of work. We get basic requirements of our life through natural resources.Basic requirements includes food,shelter and clothes.So it is our prime duty to protect natural resources by conducting various programs in society.Nowadays due to population and pollution natural resources are degrading which needs special attention fromm all humanbeings

short report on KBL

Kumari Bank Limited, came into existence as the fifteenth commercial bank of Nepal by starting its banking operations from Chaitra 21, 2057 B.S (April 03, 2001) with an objective of providing competitive and modern banking services in the Nepalese financial market. Kumari Bank Ltd has been providing wide - range of modern banking services through 28 points of representations located in various urban and semi urban part of the country, 19 outside and 9 inside the valley. The bank is pioneer in providing some of the latest / lucrative banking services like E-Banking and SMS Banking services in Nepal.
This report is based on the study conducted during summer project tenure at Kumari Bank Ltd. During the research I met and conducted interviews CEO and various management members of the bank to collect the information about the human resource management of the bank. In addition various new research methodologies were use to know the appropriate data of the HRD.
This report is basically divided into four parts. The first part covers the background information about the bank, its mission/vision/objectives, conceptual framework, objectives of report, literature review. Second part includes research methodologies. The analytical part of the project and its findings are discussed in the second part of this project. In the final part, summary and conclusion and summary are included.
The major part of the project is analysis of human resource department and ways for its improvement. The human resource department emphasizes on recruitment, training programs, motivation, social responsibility, rewards, safety and health, etc. In today’s generation, human resource management is regarded as one of the important pillar of an organization which motivates the organization towards success. If HRD is not maintained according to the dynamic environment then organization cannot upgrade its status in the market. KBL has also given due emphasis to make the department outstanding among the other.
In the later phase of the report, the major conclusion about HRM and the findings from the study has been dealt in comprehensive manner and recommendations are also presented.



Experience inner place

Lumbini is the birthplace of prince Siddhartha Gautam who became the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. He lived roughly between 623 and 543 BC. According to Buddhist traditions, Maya Devi gave birth to the prince here, by the lake, on her way to her parental home in Devadaha  in may 623 BC.
In 249 BC, the mauryan Emperor Ashoka visited Lumbini (called Rumindei in those days)and constructed four stupas and a stone pillar, known today as Ashoka’s Pillar that bears an inscription that translets as “king Piyadasi (Ashoka), beloved of devas, in the 20 year of the coronation, himself made a royal visit, Buddha Sakyamuni having been born here, a stone railing was built and a stone pillar erected to the bhagavan ‘bleesed one’ having been born here.Lumbini village was taxed was reduced and entitled to the eight parts(only).”
Today, Lumbini stands as one of the four major Buddhist Pilgrimage sites in the world where devotees and tourists visit to experience the peace as preached by Lord Buddha Himself. The other three are Kushinagar (Kushinara of old ), Bodh Gaya and Saranath. In 1997, Lumbini was officially declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Unlike in Haridwar , Mecca or the Lourdes, pilgrims to Lumbini come in a  slow, respectful trickle and many stay in the meditate in the monasteries surrounding the sacred site. That said, Lumbini has undergone a major renaissance over the last few years, and new monasteries are springing up here.


At the heart of Lumbini is the Maya Devi temple, restored to its venew form and which marks the exact spot where Queen Maya Devi of Kapalvastu gave birth to Prince Siddhartha, Surrounding is a sacred garden containing the Ashokan Pillar as well as the ruined foundations of dozens of ancient stupas and monasteries.
Extending for miles around the sacred garden is a huge park known as the Lumbini Development Zone, designed by the Japanese architect Kenzo Tange in 1978, It is a work in progress but the grounds are already full of landscaped lakes and Buddhist monasteries, constructed by Buddhist communities from around the world.
Then there is Tilaurakot, 22 km away from Lumbini which, as discovered by archeologist, was the capital of Kapalvastu, the kingdom of Suddhodhan, Siddhartha  Gautam’s father. It is said that Siddhartha Gautam spent 29 years of his princely life at Tilaurakot.
Apart from that, there are many monasteries, stupas and also a museum dedicated to Buddha and his life.


Lumbini is  22 km from the border town of Bhairahawa, which is connected by air to Kathmandu; and daily flights are available, As Lumbini has no airport, one has to flight Bhairahawa first then drive to Lumbini from there. One can also travel 300 km from Kathmandu to Lumbini which takes around six hours of driving, There are buses operating on daily basis between Lumbini to Kathmandu.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Environment may refer to physical and biological factors along with their chemical interaction that affect an organism.The surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy or other properties.Environment consists of living and non-living things.Environment can be natural or artificial.
Environment is mainly divided in two categories i,e. internal environment and external environment.External environment is sub-divided into general and task environment.environment directly or indirectly affects human beings in many is duty of human to utilize surroundings in proper way.
Activities of human beings is hampering environment day to day.the major issues in environment can be explained below:-

Some Environmental issues

the essential issues that requires attention to make proper environment are as follows:-

1. Global warming:- climate change is real and it is influenced by human activities the production of green house gases such as methane and carbon dioxide. Global warming is necessitated by the ability of our ecosystem to respond to climate change due to compromised is considered as the most precessing environment issue.

2. Clean and renewable:-The human race is faced with the environment problem of cleaning or replacing the burning fossels fules that enhanced industrial revolution during 18th century.

3. electronic and nuclear waste:-this type of wastes can cause massive pollution in the can create several health complications.many electronic devices like laptops, televisions, computers,mobiles can create problems to environment.

4.increase in population:- pace of population is in faster rate which has created adverse effect to environment and human themselves..All the environment issues are caused by the large population that cannot match the available resources.