Friday, August 2, 2013


Environment may refer to physical and biological factors along with their chemical interaction that affect an organism.The surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy or other properties.Environment consists of living and non-living things.Environment can be natural or artificial.
Environment is mainly divided in two categories i,e. internal environment and external environment.External environment is sub-divided into general and task environment.environment directly or indirectly affects human beings in many is duty of human to utilize surroundings in proper way.
Activities of human beings is hampering environment day to day.the major issues in environment can be explained below:-

Some Environmental issues

the essential issues that requires attention to make proper environment are as follows:-

1. Global warming:- climate change is real and it is influenced by human activities the production of green house gases such as methane and carbon dioxide. Global warming is necessitated by the ability of our ecosystem to respond to climate change due to compromised is considered as the most precessing environment issue.

2. Clean and renewable:-The human race is faced with the environment problem of cleaning or replacing the burning fossels fules that enhanced industrial revolution during 18th century.

3. electronic and nuclear waste:-this type of wastes can cause massive pollution in the can create several health complications.many electronic devices like laptops, televisions, computers,mobiles can create problems to environment.

4.increase in population:- pace of population is in faster rate which has created adverse effect to environment and human themselves..All the environment issues are caused by the large population that cannot match the available resources.

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