Monday, August 5, 2013



Having a bad hair day or running out of time? Tying up your locks in the ponytail is the best answers as one hair style that can be handled with ease. Thanks to it versatility, it can be worn to work or even for party.
Najeeb Ur Rehman,PPS manager, schwarzkorpf Proffesional India, says ponytails can be easily worn with casuals, formals, stylish and sporty attire and it can easily transform a woman from a day-look to an evening. It is a hairstyle that can be done quickly and easily , but those with round face tend to shy away from it as it makes the roundness more prominent. This problem has a solution says Rehman. People with round faces can opt for tying the ponytails high up around the crown, as this helps to cut out the roundness of the cheeks. One can also frisk out some hair along the hairline to soften the sides and create an elongated looks. To add drama he suggested to include braids are twists or a high bouffant. We can even use accessories like hair bands, strings, side pins, head bands and anything with bling. Ponytails created for a fuller look will need a volume mousse or cream to add body and fullness to the hair.
We should always remember that all products need to be used within a limit as any excess amount of product can overburdened weigh down your hair, making it flat and limo or sticky and hard

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